People, I’ve seen a lot of criticism in this debate.
Well, although being a 100% Vietnamese, I have to say that MOST OF OUR POPULATION HAVE RACIST THOUGHTS. I never want to imply my compatriots here, but that is the fact. Let’s take an example.
My mother and I just went home from a long trip a few days ago. On passing a group of Muslims dressed in black, I saw one of them drop their wallet (I didn’t know their gender though). I just stopped, picked up the wallet and called “Sorry, is this yours?”. They returned, took it back and spoke in an Arabian English voice “Thank you, thanks a lot!”. Then guess what, my mother SCOLDED ME on my way home. You know what she said?
I’ll derive the exact sentence here:
WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO HELP THOSE NIGGAS? (Oh hell guys, that was an Arabian! And to any Africans here, I never want to say bad things about you guys, I’m just retelling what my mother said) THOSE DIRTY PEOPLE ARE MORONS, FAGGOTS, AND I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK TO ANY OF THEM! YOUR PICKING UP THEIR WALLET WAS A SHAMEFUL ACTION!
I have no prejudices towards anyone, so I felt her mind was really filled with such thoughts about other ethnics. Due to the corrupted education system, most people (except a few of us Vietnamese here and somewhere out there) have been taught that they are superior and need to keep that going. But nowadays the number of less racist people in Vietnam is increasing, I can’t deny that. Maybe most (gotta say “most” ’cause some are heavily mistreated on our land) people from Western countries are treated better, but just try a day sitting in a “hàng nước” (aka beverages spot), you’ll see the dark side of this culture.
Anyway, I wish any foreigners coming to our country a pleasant, well-treated stay. You’ll find good people anywhere.