Do you think Vietnamese are the most open-minded and kind ethnicity in Asia?
I’ve read lots of great many answers given here and I’d just wanted to add some personal thoughts if it’ll help clarify further.
Vietnamese people, by nature are a very conservative people. We’ll hold steadfast to our traditions to the end until no absolute relief insight, then, and may be then, we’ll consider to break with tradition.
Feudalism is so ingrained in our minds for so many centuries that the thought to apply constitutional democracy in our society will most likely to see an increase in the social disorder.
The people of Vietnam needed a government with a strong arm to keep things reined in. Feudal - Martial Law - Communisism(current). Far as constitutional democracy, this will probably won’t happen in my generation-not unless with help in form of economic pressure from the global community.
The Vietnamese people are not receptive to open debate, or to listen to what the opposition have to say. There is no debate nor compromise among us, it is quite certain, that they themselves are always right. And are quick to eliminate the opposing views in order to advance their agendas.
A little background that are more closer to home, here, the people, in general, are not kindhearted.
Only people that have plenty to eat can afford to be kind. People from Northern Vietnam aren’t likely to have affinity toward Southerners, and vice versa.
All these divisions started way back in the late 1500s stemming from the power struggle between the two brothers-in-law, the Trinh - Nguyen lords.
These two powerful families effected the division of Vietnam, even though, technically, Southern Vietnam was very much considered new frontiers opened to be conquered and annexed.
Our forefathers weren’t open to compromise then, they won’t be open to debate now. For things to get done, it will have to be installed in a forceful manner. Neither sides want to give up anything so you’d might as well toss your debates out the window.
It used to be that everybody knows everybody in the village. Any new comers or wanderers will and can be easily exposed.
Vietnamese people by nature are creatures of comfort, any disruptions or changes will generally be met with oppositions.
All these things had happened, at least in the old country. Things might have changed for the better or might even be worse, depends on who you’re talking to.
As far as Vietnamese overseas? Your guess just good as mine. We’ll bend and bow according to the general consensus.