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Products are made in Vietnam bad or good?

3 Answers

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You’re looking at it from the wrong end. You should be asking, why do US (I’m assuming the OP is American) importers and merchants buy so many low-quality, even potentially dangerous, products.

The fact that they come from China is really neither here nor there. It happens to be China that is their favourite source just now. When I was young, the goods would be labelled Made in Taiwan, made in Hong Kong. Before that, my parents remember when made in Japan was the mark of cheap tat.

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Good, a lot of Samsung smartphones, micro motors for Japanese cameras, and Intel processors are made in Vietnam.

And millions of Vietnamese-branded products are manufactured and assembled from components made in China.

In this flat world where all businesses are so strongly inter-connected, you have to find your own answer to this question.

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The quality of products made in Vietnam can vary widely, just like products from any other country. Vietnam has become a significant player in the global manufacturing industry and is known for producing a wide range of goods, including textiles, electronics, footwear, furniture, and more.

In recent years, Vietnam has established itself as a manufacturing hub, attracting investments from multinational companies due to its lower labor costs and favorable business environment. Many well-known brands have their products manufactured in Vietnam. These products can often be of good quality and meet international standards.

However, it's important to note that not all products made in Vietnam are of the same quality. The quality of a product depends on various factors, such as the manufacturing process, quality control measures, and the standards set by the company producing the goods. Some manufacturers in Vietnam prioritize quality and adhere to strict standards, while others may prioritize cost-cutting measures, resulting in lower quality products.

To ensure the quality of a product, it's essential to consider factors such as the reputation of the manufacturer, any certifications or quality assurance processes they have in place, and customer reviews or feedback. These factors can provide insights into the overall quality and reliability of products made in Vietnam or any other country.

In summary, products made in Vietnam can be both good and bad in terms of quality. It's important to assess each product individually based on its specific manufacturer, brand, and customer reviews to make an informed judgment.

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