I’m gonna use a post from Karl Vanbrabant to answer this since he’s so thorough in his answer. Thanks
“racist” is a bad word in the west or in Africa, but not so much in Vietnam.
Most Asian countries are operating on a different wavelength when it comes to racism. What’s considered “racism” in the West often appears harmless in Asian countries such as VN. For example, a VN would feel perfectly normal addressing a black person in a way that otherwise may offend him/her. In the West, if you mispronounce someone’s name, that’s impolite, not so much in VN. Political correctness is virtually NONEXISTENT in VN, so you can basically say what you want. Short of the outright offensive is acceptable.
They openly dislike the Chinese or Cambodians.
Nothing new. It’s been like that for years. They often make fun of the Chinese, especially their almond-shaped eyes and being single eyelid. I’m sure not all Chinese have a single eyelid or almond-shaped eyes, but for some reason, if a VN baby or kid has an almond-shaped eye or single eyelid, he/she will be called Chinese to no end. They even make a nickname for you by highlighting your SLANTED and/or SINGLE EYELID eye. My first cousin is 100% VN metaphorically speaking since there’s no such thing as 100%. We got him a nick name as soon as he was born. What started as a simple joke now stuck with him for the past 30 years. In his case, his name is Jeff, but the family often refers to him as “Chinese Jeff.” Is that offensive? Not necessarily. I don’t mind being called Chinese or any other ethnicity. In the West, this can be considered as “racist,” not so much in VN. They’re pretty brutal over there. The funny thing is that most of the VN have genes tracing back to their Chinese root if you trace back far enough, but they just don’t care.
Apart from that Africans or for that matter just about anybody who is not Asian gets stared at and will be called names.
Some of these names are rather offending and racist. Starring may be rude in the West, not so much over there.
Black people are often treated as aliens, or as if they have a terrible disease.
VN isn’t the only one that has this practice. Virtually, all Sinospheric countries do.
East Africans are popular as English teachers because they are often semi-native speakers and have a good accent and a good knowledge of the English language, but in many language centers they won’t get a job simply because they have dark skin. Same thing for Indians.
Often times on VietnamAnswer I’ve read answers that say the VN girls are very open to dating Indians and I know the writers were blowing hot air right off the bat. VN girls are very selective with skin color. I’m sure we’ve all seen how they go outside covered from head to toe. That ought to tell you how much they value the color of their skin. If they date outside of their race, they can pick any color as long as it’s white. Even within their race, slightly darker skin would be somewhat of a minor problem—unless the guy is exceptionally handsome or well-educated. I have a college buddy that was quite dark. Guess what? He too also earned a nickname. So you’re quite correct. Dark-skinned folks often are not well-received in VN. Outright hostility is quite rare, but socially embracing likewise is also rare. Basically, whatever you see in the East Asian countries, you’ll likely see that in VN.
It’s fashionable to have a western English teacher, even if he’s a drunken mumbling Irishman without a diploma of any kind.
LOL. It’s called White Privilege in VN.
On dating sites it’s perfectly ok for a lady to say she doesn’t want black guys, Indians or just people with a dark skin in general. Vietnamese people usually also have a dislike for Indians.
It’s the skin color and body odor that they dislike.
Strangely enough, the Vietnamese like anything American, especially crappy Hollywood movies, fast food, tasteless beer, and they love an American accent.
Anything that relates to America is considered forward, advanced, and premium. It’s rather weird that their parents/grandparents fought the American tooth and nail only to have their posterity embrace Uncle Sam to no end. You forget to mention that quite a lot of VN there also have American names.
Japanese and Korean people are at the same time respected and disliked. Respected because they are major investors in Vietnam, but disliked because they usually want their Vietnamese employees to learn their language, and they are very demanding in general and socially they don’t mix with the Vietnamese.
Most East Asians still look down on the VN for being poor, so that explains why there’s no mixing. But once VN gets better economically, I’m sure this will change. In Asian culture, it’s pretty much $$$ and social status. You only hang around with people of your status.
Vietnam has long been an isolated country, so now it takes times for them to get used to people who look different.
I’m not too sure about this. VN-Americans in the States operate in a somewhat similar fashion, although not to that extent. VN-Americans isn’t the only Asian group that behaves this way as other Asian groups also have similar thinking. It’s the Asian thing. They just won’t tell you in the open. Behind closed doors is a different story. In future generations, say 4th or 5th, things may change a bit. As for now, that’s how things stand.
except the pickpockets around Bui Vien street in HCMC, who target every foreigner no matter what he looks like.
LOL…Beggars can’t be choosers.