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in Culture, Living by
Do the Vietnamese eat rice with hands?

8 Answers

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The Vietnamese that I came in contact with during my visits, eat rice, aided by two sticks held in ONE HAND , and the

other HAND! holding a bowl with rice!! "….A hand did not come in contact with rice!

The TWO STICKS, are called…. CHOPSTICKS!!!!!

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Question: Do the Vietnamese eat rice with their hands?

Answer: It depends on the specific circumstance. Most of the Vietnamese have used chopsticks to eat rice. However, Using hands or even spoons could be the right way in some specific circumstances, especially eating some kinds of sticky rice.










Lusia Millar

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Some of dishes we do use hand to eat but not with rice. Eating rice with hands is a bad table manners according to Vietnamese. Ultra-conservative ones will take it seriously

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As a Vietnamese, I can assure you that almost all of us either use chopsticks or spoons to eat rice. I guess we sometimes eat sticky rice cakes by hand, but such cakes are wrapped in leaves.

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I have never seen any other Vietnamese, neither I, eating rice with our hands because it is seen as dirty.

Usually we use chopsticks or spoons.

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Vietnamese islanders do. I found this out when I moved in with my gf’s family who were were originally from a Vietnamese island near Saigon. It shocked me at first, however, it made sense when I see Filipinos and Samoans do the same to conserve the resources on an island.

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No , not intentionally.

Vietnamese eat rice with spoon or chopsticks. Rice is rarely if not never eaten by hands during a proper meal since that is considered dirty and an act lacking manner. The action is limited to small children who always make a mess on their food. However outside of meals, many people like me personally use my hand and make a ball out of cooled rice if that counts.

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yes, of course. Of course we eat with our hands, at least for ordinary people with enough arms.

Most Vietnamese can't eat with their feet like this.


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