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What is so bad about Vietnam that makes people want to leave?

12 Answers

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Vietnam is one of the worst places on the planet to live.


Living standards: Ho Chi Minh's paradise is one of the poorest countries in the world. Its GDP per capita is even lower than Laos', a country which, unlike Vietnam, has no oil and no seacoast!

Corruption: one of the most corrupt. Vietnam ranks 117/180 countries

Freedom of the press and expression: this police state is one of the worst offenders in the world. Vietnam ranks 176/180 countries, behind Sudan, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran! As an FYI, an estimated one in six working people in the Southeast Asian country are employed either full- or part-time in the massive state security network.

Pollution: one of the most polluted. Vietnam ranks 9/109 of the most polluted countries

But don't take my word for it. Just google it yourself. You may learn a thing or two

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“The grass is always greener on the other side”

Vietnam is not the worst or the best country in the world, it has it's flaws and it's advantage.

In Vietnam, one person can make about 200-400 USD depending on the type of jobs. In the west, people can make two or even three times. Most Vietnamese will agree to work if they are invited. Unfortunately, it requires lot of thing like education and experience, most of candidates fail in the first step.

That's why human trafficking is popular. To make their victims trust them, these criminals paint a whole world in the west look like heaven, promise them a beautiful future ahead of them with small price to pay for. The cost is about hundred millions to billions, most of victims willingly to pay for it even they sell everything they have. The less educated people is easily fall for this trick.

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We see this phenomenon of illegal border crossing in Europe, in America. Peoples are taking deadly risks for principally two reasons: Economy and Security. For the Vietnamese , security is much less since there's no more war but the government oppression is much more.

This global problem, I think, comes from the enormous materialistic wealth gap between societies. If you're a Mexican, with the help of TV and the Internet, you automatically want your children to grow up like American kids.

My conclusion is that the Vietnamese government is bad but the real cause for this tragedy is the greediness for material things.

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Not only people from Vietnam,but from many poor countries of the world.Look at crowd of thousands people went to USA from South America and from Africa to Europe to see,what is cause!It is stupid when politicalization of economic imigration.

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If one is not rich nor educated/skilled then the opportunity to make money to live decently and or help family happens in other countries. IE: Britain, Australia, United States are some locations. Quality of health care can be better elsewhere in the West. There are private dental facilities where care is good but more expensive. I personally have gone there for dental. Ifone has money, a lot to invest there are opportunities in Vietnam for a good return. There is good and bad in any country.

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Once upon a time there was a reason for Vietnamese to risk a journey across the sea to avoid political suppression/persecution, but those days were long gone. Now the key reason for people to leave is to seek better economic opportunities elsewhere.

While the Vietnamese economy is booming, the pay for typical workers is still well below that in developed countries. The freight container victims came from a region that has pay scale in the lower end of the economic spectrum. Thousands of the younger people in the region have left for the big cities. Many adventurous ones have tried their luck in Taiwan, South Korea, and Eastern Europe, sold by the boasts of salaries many times they could have earned at home. Some have discovered the bitter truth of much higher expenses sapping their earnings, but others found luck and opportunities enabling them to send back relatively large sums of money, turning their parents’ home into the envy of the neighborhood. Just like the hucksters who sell get-rich-quick schemes in the developed countries, the human traffickers exaggerated the success stories to get many families to mortgage their land and possessions to fund the trips. The UK is the latest hyped destination.

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Lê Duẩn died in 1986 and saner, people were able to gain control of the Vietnamese Government.

People have various reasons for moving to a foreign country. I am a retired American Soldier and Vietnam War Vet. My now late Vietnamese wife, Bac and I, retired to Vietnam, as we both speak Vietnamese and she had relatives living in Vietnam this worked well for years.

Most of the Vietnamese that I know who have left Vietnam with in the last 20 years or so, wanted better paying jobs.

Going back to the “Fall of Saigon,” Lê Duẩn, the ruler of Vietnam was a monster.


This is today’s shopping in Vietnam

See photos


AEON Mall Bình Tân

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Evidently, everyone altogether wants to arrive at developed countries due to excellent living conditions, pleasant social security, superb medical system… Vietnam is only the emerged nation, everything is not as good as others. As you can see, Viet Nam has a great deal of immense changes in education, but all of them do not have enormous effectiveness drastically. Moving to dream countries is inevitable when they are wealthy enough or they can study abroad.

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Thanks for asking, i am Vietnamese living in the UK for about 5 years now, so i think i am qualified to answer the question. But are you talking about 39 people who died? If this is the case, then the answer is as below

We cannot blame the country, we have to blame the consequence of the Vietnam war which left behind the poverty after half a century. Even though its economy is reported to develop rapidly, there still too many people who does not have a proper job living in the countryside with low education. They consider living in a developed country like the USA and Western countries as in heaven.

Let me put this in this way, the minimum wage per month in Vietnam is about 130 GBP (even lower) and they have to work all day every day. In the UK, it's the wage of 2 days of a nails technician (major job for most overseas Vietnamese), or even 1 day. They will send money back home, to their family, to support their beloved one. As far as i can see, they work very hard when they are in the UK. There are British beggars, but there is no Vietnamese beggar in the UK.

What is so bad about Vietnam that makes people want to leave?

Well, that said, they do not earn enough, so they are willing to take the risk.

You may also ask why they want to take the risk. A short answer is: to seek the opportunity to permanently and legally stay in the UK

Wait! What? Legally?


There are a few steps in order for them to stay in the UK. (Disclaimer: this is based on my limited understandings about the circumstances)

First, work to earn money, doing nails or planting weeds, etc. to pay the lawyers

Get caught by the police.

Tell the police that they are victim of trafficking (Regardless the truth or not). They will be killed if they are sent back to VN (again, regardless the truth, it can be true or not, i don’t know)

The lawyers will help them out

if they win, they will stay, if not they will be sent back to VN

above is a simplified version of the story, each person Will have a different story.

hope that this makes sense

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If you are referring to Essex incident than the answer is “who knows”. There might be a few reasons but with constant economic development and improvements, why people would leave the country via such dangerous means is totally incomprehensible.

I worked for large Mnc factories where I helped recruit a lot of people from Ha Tinh and Nghe An provinces (some victims in that lorry came from Ha Tinh province). Those 2 are the biggest provinces in Vietnam with 7 million people living there. There are not many job opportunities around either as infrastructure is under developed and the weather is extremely harsh during summer and constant storms flooding entire province.

Majority of young people that we hired to work for Samsung factories were very hard working but couldnt earn more than 400 bux a month unless they work 12 hour day shift, 6 days a week. Usually half of that earning is sent home to support their families but just enough for basics. And working long hours in factories take toll on people health. But every time someone in their village builds a 3 storey house or buys a new car, everybody asks questions how to make so much money, most likely answer is to travel abroad for work.

Peer pressure, I think might be another reason why poor people leave the country. Let me give you an example, I visited a relative a while ago, and she sent her daughter to study in Canada. She didnt know much about life in Canada but because a lot of kids in the neighbourhood migrated, so will my daughter. Now, the relative has spent all of her life savings to support the daughter in Canada and she still hasnt sent a dime back to support her mother.

Lack of information and proper education are also factors making people believe those people traffickers. Vietnam has an overly fascination with richness of the West so if you tell them go to the West to earn 50K Pounds per month, some might believe it.

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