The most hillarious thing about Vietnamese people that living oversea and haven't go back to Vietnam is that they think we are still under developed.
I was born in 2003 in the capital city of Vietnam - Ha Noi. And the truth is, even some highly developed countries in the world don’t even have a great Internet system like Vietnam.
The truth is, even when you are staying at a “banana-pie” on the sidewalk of a road, you can even have access to WiFi :)) you only have to pay 5000VND (1 US Dollar = approx. 23000VND) to have full access to WiFi WITHOUT time limit :)) so the action of Vietnamese people sitting at a sidewalk cafe and play some Mobile MOBA games is absolutely normal. They can sit there for several hours.
Next up, Internet Cafe is everywhere. You can play League of Legends, CS1.6 with only 5000VND per hour, and if you want to play some more games like CSGO, PUBG, Valorant…you only have to pay 8000–10000VND per hour. That’s half a US Dollar. HALF A US Dollar guyssss.
Although there are some sites with sensitive content is blocked (porn for example) but someone still access to it through VPN or proxy server :P So someone watching porn while sitting at a sidewalk cafe by the road is once again…ABSOLUTELY NORMAL :D
Though we are still a developing country, I can ensure that, there’s no country with a better Internet connection than Vietnam :3