halong bay tour
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I'm off to Vietnam in June for 2 weeks and I'm organisings visas. I've got the visa application from the Vietnam Embassy website. It says I have to include our original passports, this is my first time organising a visa, so I'm a little bit nervous sending off my passport and I just wanted to confirm that this is correct. I look forward to any advice.

3 Answers

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Of course. They need your passports to stick the visa in. Use registered post.
0 votes
You can also get your visa approved in advance so that you avoid sending the passport in to the embassy. The downside to that is it often means a bit of added time at the airport in Ho Chi Minh City upon arrival. Google "Vietnam Visa" and you should get several companies that provide that service for you.
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If you have a Vietnam Consular office near where you live you can go in there personally with your application and leave your passport. You go back in 3-4 working days to get your passport.
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