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What are the downsides of living in Vietnam?

14 Answers

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Have you been to Vietnam? I swear! And I swear it’s terrible. And oh god is it terrible?

All because they have this:









Or maybe the festive mood on a random sport event?



And good god! What evil is this?


Or this?



What kind of abomination of a land is Vietnam?

It’s just terrible here. But people are still living here







all here in Vietnam.

How are they doing that? How can they live such lives in such terrible place? Oh? Maybe they just like it there? Maybe they just like what they do there?

Well, it’s still terrible. Suit themselves I guess. Yes. Suit myself too since I’m living in Vietnam .

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None of you have foreigner passport. Have not enough money is the worst thing to Vietnamese people.

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The things I dislike about VN vs where I’m from(Southern CA, USA) is:

Traffic, big city like HCM during rush hours/weekdays, is horrendous. Even on motobike you will move at a snail pace or complete stop, which is saying alot, since motobike can get on the sidewalk. Still on some major roads/intersection it’s horrible.

The weather, not sure if it’s climate change, industrialization, or just more cars/truck/motobike. But the weather got hotter from the time I came to VN in 2006 to when I left 2017. I notice that during the big VN holiday, when the city was ‘empty’ the weather was less hot. I theorize that it was due to the roads having less moto vehicles putting out less exhaust/heat.

Uneven sidewalk or no sidewalk or sidewalk taken up by motobike riding on it to avoid the road traffic, etc., That means it’s hard to take your kid walking or riding his scooter on the sidewalk.

Those are my 3 biggest pet peeves, and the most refreshing change when I got back to the US. I had a great time in VN from a social/business/family point of view. My son had 5 yrs in VN and it was wonderful, up to that age, living in VN is much easier/less stressful that raising kids from 0–5 yrs old. I love taking the bus from D4 to Damsen Park or the zoo, etc. with my when he was 3 -5 yrs old. We bring his push bike and he would ride it around the park and have fun.

But it’s was a hassle to walk with him on the sidewalk because I had to be on the look out for motobike using the sidewalk.

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Wow, you start off being negative looking for negative things! Its quite a nice place to visit, stay or live in. You find everything you need and its a safe country. Like any other developing country, it has some things that are slow to improve like infrastucture, health care facilities, crazy traffic … Other than that, its one of the most beautiful countries in the world, friendly and fun people, great food and plenty to see and do.

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If I can only mention one reason as per your question “What makes", then the Vietnamese Communist regime's corrupted dictatorship is the reason that makes VN a terrible play to live in.

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When was the last time you visited Vietnam? Personally I have not come across travelers who have been here and thought the country was terrible. Quite in contrast, many people loved this place and there are increasingly more folks from all over the world moving to live here.

Vietnam might not be perfect, there’s no perfect country in the world by the way, but it offers many exclusive things that you will not find elsewhere. Surprisingly you will experience even more personal freedom in certain areas here compared to the West.

I’ll list out a few great characteristics about the country for you: Food, a collective community sense, friendliness, affordable, easy access to most things, etc…

In the end, it’s really up to the individual’s mindset that will dictate how they navigate around this environment. You’ll just need to come in and approach with an open mind.

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The main factor would be your incompatible interested, that would make Vietnam a terrible place for you to either stay or to live in, so for instance: if you are a person who is strict in discipline mindset, strict enough to even regulates people’s smiles, such as, if I am smiling while listening to your complain, you think I shouldn’t do it because you are talking about something serious.” Then by having such piggy and b**chy discipline mindset, it would certainly make it incompatible between “living in Vietnam” and your personal interest, therefore, it is all about what you are looking for.

A week ago I was sitting in a Starbucks near Bui Vien in District 1 of Saigon, a Canadian man was speaking on his phone to complains about his life in here, shouting out very loud with an assurance likes, as if no one is gonna to understand his English, one of his sentence was : these people are worst than subhuman, they eat outside on the street. “ I only figure out he is from Vancouver B.C in one of his another out loud sentence, I’ ve stayed in Canada for about three years, the place where people are so called “nice” , and more “civilized” than American , since I’ve my life experience to relates his concern, i can surely understand how and why Vietnam doesn’t fit for him. Likewise it won’t fit for people who partakes his mindset.

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There are too much bad things about living in Vietnam for an ordinal Vietnamese. But I myself find the worst things about living in Vietnam that is the corrupt police. They always try to take money illegally and insult citizens. Secondly, the Vietnamese government will push you in jail if you criticize them and their corrupt Vietnamese communist party.

The foreigners never face those problems in Vietnam. Thus they worship the Vietnamese government. But that society and government are just like the underworld where money and violence rule everything.

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Vietnam is a beautiful country. The majority of the people are very kind and giving, my motorbike has had a few problems in the past, but, whenever I take it to be fixed the mechanic does not take my money. I love the majority of the food, there are so many things to try. There are many nice beaches and fantastic islands to explore, Vietnam is a very green country that I find attractive.

I live here most of the time and count myself lucky.

Cam on.

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Anyplace is terrible if you don’t do what it takes to make it better.

Like many third world countries :

Poor infrastructure. Healthcare, public transport and roads are not as advanced and as well maintained compare to countries with much larger budget. Private healthcare cost a lot more , but so with it the quality.

Road condition and traffic is darn terrible. If you see it first hand ever , it likes going into a street brawl. An organized chaos that everything almost seem to crash into one another yet never will. Land traffic in Viet Nam is one of the seven mystery of the “ninja” world.

Education crisis. Most third world’s countries studies & research are not acknowledged even when the research is amongst the leading in the field.

This is also related to an identity crisis. Most students study and spend way more time studying compare to first world countries. That effort show a difference in altitude and in results with most asian originated immigrants top the scoreboard once they have learnt the language. But these recognition go unnoticed. Papers published by these countries still carry question marks from well established universities in first world with a look down altitude. Mind you i’m not talking about faulty papers , but bone fide research with claims and sources to back it up.

Most parents don’t want their to put children in heavily competitive education system of few winners but tons of losers. ( Most asia countries are like that ).

Quite irony in that the education system of many first world countries are the opposite but afterschool is like asian schooltime : few winners , tons of losers.

Viet Nam is a single party totalitarian country. Media , news outlet and many aspects of life is controlled by the party. But the trend nowadays is to loosen central control in favour of economic growth. Most human rights and humanitarian organizations place Viet Nam in the lower end for these things.

I’m not suprised. Then again , if the organization is among the likes of Metoo then no , i won’t even hear what they say. These organizations doesn’t seem to do anything useful except promoting terrorism.

Draft system. Let’s face it , if you are male in this country , chances are high you will have to serve as a conscript for sometimes. If you are a dumb pacifist , this isn’t your place.

Natural disasters. Although there are places in Viet Nam where disasters are few and far between , the country on a whole is stricken with many disasters yearly.

Primarily in the central region and lower north region of Viet Nam. If you dislike the roof flying around , maybe this country is not for you.

Security in general is not a great thing. Although you likely won’t get to die in a shoot out , petty crimes are numerous and crimes involving knifes are not uncommon. Never face a street fight with knives involved , it never end well ; seriously , just run.

Laws is in its infancy. Don’t expect a strong customer protection or in general get any legal proceedings here in a speedy fashion. Laws in Viet Nam is a massive paper wall ready to crush anyone underneath it.

If you are ready to drop reading here once the negatives are finished and you are happy with your mug face that yes Viet Nam is trash , then i have some bad news for you :

Food : Now where do i start. Cheap , fresh nutritious and widely available for a dime a dozen. Viet Nam is a treasure hunt for delicious food. And the best part of it is you don’t need to book a diner in advance to taste what is certain as delicious. Walk around , drop on a plastic stool and start slurping away right on the street. Nothing fancy , but eating in open air is more unique than a closed off diner.

Related to that is cheap cost of life. You can survive here with 300 usd monthly. If you struggle to live in a high cost area , moving to this country may not be so bad after all.

Scenery : It isn’t that hard to find beauty’s nature in Viet Nam. yes , weather is crap sometimes , but the further away you are from cities , the more readily nature will reward you with a mind blowing view.

Tourist site : the whole length of the country is a massive long coast. It isn’t rare to find a beach somewhere and call it a day like any day. Fishery return almost daily with fresh finds to compliment your trip with a tons of seafood on offer.

That , and there is no few ancient buildings for historic minded fellows. Preservation effort for lost arts and buildings are increased over the years to attract more tourists.

The people here is friendly, they treat foreigners in general very warmly and almost never dig up bloody past for some weird pride show. The younger generation are trendy and not afraid to interact with foreigners.

Girls are very beautiful. They are not shy and are plentiful. It’s not hard to meet a wow oh my god girl at night. Wooing a girl , well , atleast you don’t have to deal with crazy femi nazi here.

Education despite its flaws , pump out a lot of skilled workers and in general the workers are fast learners. They are also cheaper to employ compare to say China. A great bargain for capitalism isn’t it ?

Aviation is a hot growing business. Air travel to the country is much easier than the past and thanks to the widespread , no focus investment of the government , Viet Nam have many airports for quick traveling. For far out traveling , there is always a choice to go fast. Last time i heard , there is even a helicopter tour in the North. Quite good for a third world country.

Viet Nam is also handily not a hotspot for political quarrels between colored 5 usd shirts dudes. So high political stability that ensure a up and up. No crazy insurrection and gun firing because a dog peed at the wrong place.

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