Question: Given the millions of Vietnamese that died and widespread destruction wrought during the Vietnam War, why are the Vietnamese today nevertheless some of the most pro-American people of any people in the world?
Answer: Well, How You define “Pro-American people” in Vietnam? I mean that How Vietnamese people (not overseas Vietnamese who immigrated to the western countries after 1975 ) are considered as “Pro-American”.
Firstly , Basically, Vietnam and the Vietnamese people are very pragmatic. The truth is that they won the Vietnam war and have what they wish - Freedom and Independence. It is all. Now, they wish to build their country and make their society prosperous, so they have to make a friend with America. The current world order, especially economic aspect, a country only may develop its economy with American help or at least not imposed embargo by America like Cuba, North Korea, Iran. So, they should “forgive” and become “pro-America” like some people said.
Secondly , the truth is that they really forgive not only America but also China, South Korea, Japan. Vietnam become more ‘Pro-America” or exactly “Pro-Western” like the current trend of the world. Simply, Because America is not the main threat of Vietnam at least now and could bring more benefits to Vietnam. It is similar to Vietnam’s relation with South Korea, Japan, they also become pro-anyone including South Korea, Japan who do no harm to the sovereignty and independence, freedom of Vietnam and could bring more good things to them.
Finally , From my perspective, Vietnam is not a Pro-American country in Vietnam mindset, they are always only a pro-Vietnamese country.
They dislike any countries who threaten to their sovereignty, freedom, independence of Vietnam such as America, France (In the past), China ( Generally, Vietnam dislike China but they rarely discriminate Chinese people because of Vietnamese culture)
They do not care about any countries who are not the threat of Vietnam and also do not bring any benefit to Vietnam such as Bahamas, Tuvalu, Tonga, Malawi - Even I have not read some news said that Vietnam has intended to set up the official diplomatic relation with these countries.
They like/love any countries that are not the threat of Vietnam and also bring more benefits to Vietnam except some. We have many examples such as South Korea, Japan, EU, America, Canada, Australia……
P/s: I respect other opinions about this issue including some said that Vietnam is a pro-America. Also, Vietnamese people are not only pragmatic but also grateful to anyone for their help/support such as Cuba, Russia, India.
Good Luck.
Lusia Millar