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Do lots of Vietnamese speak Cantonese?

15 Answers

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Vietnam near and business large volume.

Many Vietnamese know Cantonese in border Vietnam-China, Many Chinese come to Vietnam work. Total many people know Cantonese

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No, there many Chineses who live in Vietnam. All of them speaks Cantonese. And Vietnamese studies Mandarin.

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Do not know.

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If the older citizen is Chinese Vietnamese, he/ she most likely speak Cantonese. Vietnam borders Canton Province of China.

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It depends on who it is and what their ancestry is. A number of my relatives who are Chinese and Vietnamese do speak Cantonese and Vietnamese. Some of them can speak Mandarin too. It just depends on the background of the Vietnamese family. However, if they do not have immediate Chinese roots then they may not speak it. But if they do then yes they can speak it. For example, one of my uncle in law’s whose father is Chinese but is born in Vietnam can speak Chinese and Vietnamese. Overall, it just depends on the background and ancestry of the particular person and family.

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Some may have grand parents who immigrated from Canton province, so they may have learned some simple conversational phrases when young.

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Not a lot. Finding people who can speak Mandarin is not easy but Cantonese is very difficult in Northern Vietnam. In the Southern part is easier but not guaranteed

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Since the Tang Dynasty, there have been a lot of immigrants from China in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam. 2012 statistics show Thailand had the highest number of 9.4 million population of Chinese origin, Singapore has the highest percentage at 75% with 2.57 million. Most are from the South provinces who speak Cantonese.

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The answer is NO. Only a group of Chinese Vietnamese people living in Chợ Lớn, Hochiminh city speak Cantonese at home. However the number of those people is getting smaller and smaller. Most of them had origin from Guangdong province, China since and their ancestor immigrated to Vietnam since 17th century. Looking back to the history, there were also many Chinese people immigrated to Vietnam since Tang Dynasty and after many centuries with the rise and fall of the history of Vietnam, some in them also changed their surnames to Nguyen - the most popular surname in Vietnam (There are so many branches of surname Nguyen in Vietnam. However they are not relatives of each other). The rest in them still keep their surname until now such as: Đường (Tang), Đàm (谭/譚), Lương (Leung), Trần (Chen), Khổng (Kong)… and they consider them as pure Vietnamese people after many generations have been born and grown up in Vietnam.

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No, very few.

Some Chinese Vietnamese originating from Guangdong continue to speak some forms of Cantonese at home, but the number is getting smaller.

Most of those who speak Chinese in Vietnam learn it as a foreign language, and they mostly study Mandarin.

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