halong bay tour
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in Culture, Living by
As a Vietnamese, or a person who had lived/traveled to Vietnam, what do you not like about this country?

3 Answers

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well I’m also ethnically vietnamese and is native to vietnam. The one thing I don’t like about it is really the abandonment of culture over the years. For example the original animistic religion native to Vietnam from the dongson era. And some belief in the Confucius Philosophy may be good in some cases but leads to xenophobia against other asian persons, Vietnamese of different skin tones & lack of respect of other ethnic groups who were descendants of the ancient Viet.

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I am vietnamese. I know that Vietnamese people are not good at obeying the law and discipline. That what i dont like in Vietnam

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I live in Viet Nam and are married into a large Vietnamese family. There are a few things that I dislike no matter where I am but there are really only a couple of things I dislike that seem to be Vietnamese.


I know everyone raves about Vietnamese food. Tourists eat in the five star restaurants and love the food. They are eating Vietnamese food that has been prepared to suit Western tastes. It’s almost impossible for us local carnivores to buy decent beef, at least here in Nha Trang. The hotels get it all. I swear the beef in the markets comes from water buffalo that have died after pulling a plow for 20 years. Both the street and supermarket butchers feel their role is simply to chop big pieces up into small pieces. Even large chain stores like Lotte and Big C don’t have a choice of steaks or roasts. The reason is simple. There is only one way to cook the beef so it is edible and that’s boil it for a couple of hours.

Of course you can always try Vietnamese specialty foods:-





I live on an island in the Cai River which seems to be used as a garbage dump for plastic refuse. The river that is, not the island. At no time is there not garbage floating down the river past my house and the Mekong is way worse. I clean up around five garbage bags a week of garbage that floats up around my patio. I understand the government is starting to take steps to clean the mess up. Hopefully their efforts will be successful. I think it embarrassed a few officials when tiny Viet Nam was identified as one of the five countries that contribute over 60% of the trash in the oceans of the world.

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