I think it doesn’t matter you are a Vietnamese or not, as long as you are NOT a Chinese, without the mindset educated by the Chinese parents and teachers, which consider wealth as almost the sole means to determine the entirety of anything(perhaps except parents are more important than money). Then this acceptance is simply a matter of knowing something and acknowledge it.
Unlike the Chinese, after their visit to almost anywhere, or just read about anywhere, the first thing first is to make comparison , to describe a country as the 90s and 2000s of China. And usually the result of comparison is not really between those countries and China, but those countries compared to the downtown of Shanghai, kwangchow , shamchun, and other developed cities, again, the downtown of these cities, not the whole of these cities. Otherwise, the result of comparison could be China in general is 10 years backward to its Asian neighbors, which is hard to be accepted by the Chinese.