I'm teaching English in Hanoi for quite a long time and saved lots of Vietnam Dong. I have a bank account at a western bank here in Hanoi. Is changing Dong for dollars at the bank the best? Or, is it better to do this at gold shops? If so, which ones. Thanks in advance.
Generally, a bank gives you a better exchange rate than a gold store. People buy USD at a gold store because they can't demonstrate to the bank that they have the legal right to buy USD. Quoc trinh or Viet xuan or Ha trung street will give you the best rate. You can't buy USD at the bank now anyway.
I did the Ha Trung street recommendation, I having used them for a number of years. News today is that the dollar is increasing against the dong, especially on the black market (which is just a fancy way of referring to those ladies who hang out in front of ANZ bank).
Someone answered this question here: Exchange money
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