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What is the meaning of "to see eye to eye" idiom?

6 Answers

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Idiom Conjugations:

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Gerund Form of the Idiom:

Seeing eye to eye with your boss can help to make a harmonious workplace.
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Idiom Usage:

Often used in the form:
see eye to eye with someone
Often used in the negative:
We don't see eye to eye.  (We don't agree on a certain subject)
They don't see eye to eye.  (They don't agree on a certain subject)
You don't see eye to eye with your neighbor.  (You and your neighbor don't agree on a certain subject)
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Idiom Scenario 2:

Ned's mother, Anna, is coming to visit Ned and Grace.   Usually, when Anna comes, Grace and Anna argue a lot.  Grace and her mother-in-law do not agree on many issues, most especially on how to look after Ned.  Grace is going to try to talk to and understand her mother-in-law.
Grace wants to see eye to eye with her mother-in-law.
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Idiom Scenario 1:

The government has decided that it will make recycling mandatory.  It will give fines for people who do not follow the recycling laws.  The government believes that this new consumer recycling law is the best solution to help the environment.  A group of two hundred people have gathered at the government house to protest this new regulation.  The people say that it is not consumers that can make the biggest impact on saving the environment but that it is big industry that could really make a difference.
The people do not see eye to eye with the government.

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Idiom Definition:

"to see eye to eye"
to agree about something with another person or group of people
Synonyms: concert, concord, concur, concurrence, conform, conformity, congruent, congruence, congruency, correspond, correspondence, harmony, harmonize, rapport, sympathy, unanimity, unanimous
These two people are literally and idiomatically seeing eye to eye. - - - - ->  two young men are facing each other.  they both have one eye popping out of their eye socket.  their mouths are agape with their tongues hanging out.  they both have identical thought captions with the exact same picture of a hand throwing tickets of paper and the word "sell" written out.

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