Business as usual. When will I stop seeing this this kind of question plus “Will Vietnam abolish Tet?” popping up whenever the most sacred holiday of the year is nearing? Anyway, a serious answer from me.

My perspective is from a Vietnamese living in Vietnam.
It’s utterly silly to be embroiled in this Western-centric naming mess. After all Chinese New Year and Lunar New Year are only Western names for the festival. The sooner we don’t give a damn to this stuff, which is sparked off by the Westerners’ word choice, the better.
However, at the end of the day we still have to deal with reality. So if you are in Vietnam then call it Lunar New Year or Tet period. Given how nationalistic Vietnamese can become that’s common sense to save you from us having to correct you on how to use the appropriate word. Plus you are in our country so at least respect our name for this new year, which belongs to us Vietnamese as much as Chinese New Year to Chinese people. It’s frankly a very weird feeling for me to hear “Chinese New Year” in Vietnam, not to mention some Western businesses and tourists are wholly ignorant of this whole thing and blurt out “CNY” when serving Vietnamese customers or chatting with Vietnamese in Vietnam.
However, if I’m in a foreign country then fine, call it whatever you want. It’s silly to get involved in a verbal battlefield just to prove a point here. That reeks of insecurity and snowflake mentality.