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What are some common names in Vietnam?

1 Answer

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Common given names of Vietnamese girls:

related to flowers, plants: Hồng 紅, Mai 梅, Lan 蘭, Điệp 蝶, Hoa 花, Diệp 葉, Thảo 草, Phương 芳, Thu 秋,…

related to small natural entities: Hà 河, Giang 江, Thuỷ 水…

related to good characteristics for women: Hạnh 行, Dung 容, Hiền 賢, Thư 姐,…

Common given names of Vietnamese boys:

related to big natural entities: Sơn 山, Dương 洋, Hải 海,…

related to good characteristics for men: Tuấn 俊, Dũng 勇, Mạnh 孟, Hưng 興, Thịnh 盛, Phát 發, Đạt 達, Hiếu 孝, Đức 德, Trí 知, Tài 才, Công 功, Quân 君, Trung 忠…

Common surnames of Vietnamese people:


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