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What do Koreans think about Vietnam and about national relations?

6 Answers

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위에 답단 초등학교 선생이라는분. 당신이 정말 저보다 이 분야에관해 지식을 더 갖고있는지 의심됩니다. 한 나라의 선생이란 사람이 비판적으로 사탕발림 아닌 대답을 솔직히 해주진 못할망정 확실히 증명되지 않은 학살건으로 참전용사들을 모욕합니까?

베트남전은 인류 역사상 병사들에게 가장 어려운 전쟁중 하나였습니다. 2차대전때 일본인들이 동남아시아에서 떼죽음을 당한걸 보십시오. 그 미국이 패배하고 퇴각한 전투지입니다. 그런 환경적 특성에서 모든 나라 병사들 중 가장 높은 성과를 가지고 돌아온 한국 군인들을 감성적인 아젠다몰이로 취급하는것에 분노가 일고 그정도 상식으로 우리 아이들을 가르칠거라는거에 더 화가납니다. 한국전은 분단이되어 우리는 북한군이 남한인들에게 무엇을 했는지 어느정도 알고있지만 저들은 베트남전 내전중 한쪽에게 점령당했습니다. 베트남인이 베트남인을 가장 많이 죽인 전쟁이 월남전입니다. 베트콩들은 현지인들로 변장하여 기습했고 누가 적이고 누가 시민인지도 몰랐던 전쟁중 베트남인을 가장 많이 죽이고 괴롭혔던건 양측의 베트남군들입니다. 그런 전장의 특성은 고려하지 않고 민간인 학살을 운운합니까?당연히 베트남인들은 이에대해 교육을 못받았지요. 왜냐면 점령당했으니까. 점령하고 나서 우리 북베트남이 너네 남베트남 사람들 잔뜩 죽였지만 우리는 하나다~ 라고 했겠습니까? 정말 답변 수준에 화가납니다. 진실을 전하는게 중요하지 이미지메이킹이 중요한게 아닙니다. 사람을 가르치는 선생이라는 사람에겐 더더욱이요. 지금 미국에선 당시 좌파사상에 영향을 너무강하게 받아서 복귀하는 군인들을 baby killer라고 모욕했던 당시 미국의 젊은이들을 미련한놈들 취급합니다. 왜냐면 병사들은 사람이고 그들도 살아남아야했던 젊은이들이었거든요. 한국군이 성과가 좋았던 이들은 그들이 소수정예였기 때문이고 현지민간인들의 마음을 사는것을 중요시했기 때문이고 그 결과가 어마어마한 병사별 교환비로 증명이 됐는데, 뜬금없이 엄청 잘싸운 부대가 민간인 학살이요? 한국군을 만나면 도망가라는게 북베트남과 베트콩들에게 내려졌던 명령이고(역사적 사실입니다.) 한국군의 군복을 입고 민간인들이나 미군들을 공격하는 전략으로 혼란을 줬던 전략이 있던것도 사실입니다. 당신이 누군갈 가르치고 싶다면, 전쟁의 역사에 대해 더 배우셔야 할겁니다. 나이먹고 죽기전에 후회하실겁니다. 충고드리는겁니다.

Well I got to check if I'm allowed to answer

Ok. I don't know why I'm blocked to upload my answer for this question, My google ID is Sicko Whale, probably the same quora ID. I don't usually answer it but got notifications mails and I had to answer this question because I know how much the answers would be biased by leftists Korean talking about Massacre thing. I'm 27 years old, born and raised in South Korea.

I had worked as a christian missionary in Cambodia for a while and born again christian, I have no discrimination towards south eastern Asian countries. I personally think Vietnam and Korea have something common like the history of war between communism vs democrat kind of thing. I'm a man, just living in this country so I'll give you the real answer, not written by perfectly prepared to candy coat make to seem everything pretty - leftists Korean.

There is a racism towards not only Vietnamese, but to south eastern Asian people in Korea. Since Korea is very homogeneous country and the vietnamese people we see in our daily life is working on basic works, so they don't look fancy. I'm not saying that the majority of Korean dislike Vietnam, but the basic view towards vietnam is something like.. not that fancy. That doesn't mean that we do not like vietnam and vietnamese.

The reason why I'm so furious about it is because of the biased answers about Korean army, written by biased Koreans. I'm in awe now that one of the people that gave you a candy coated answer is a school teacher of my country.

Korean army scored very good in Vietnam war(historical truth). Since they were Korean special forces(Marines, marines are basically special forces of Korea) and the first strategy of Korean army at the time was "Be friendly with civilians". Vietnam war was a hell of war. You can see it by the truth that US had retreated. It was disastrous war for the soldiers too, and since vietcongs were disguised as civilians, it was very hard for soldiers to distinguish who is enemy and who is not. But as a historical fact, Korean troops were the most efficient troops among every country who had participated the war. Among every country, Korean soldiers fought the best. I'm not boasting myself, I'm telling you about the fact that indicates you basic logical truth.

small amount of special forces -> first command was "be friendly with civilians" -> made a result of winning the battles

and they suddenly slaughtered civilians? For what? Even the result proves itself that they did not slaughtered civilians for no reason. The famous massacre of that time, the Mirai massacre. Because of that the whole us troop had been fell down. There is an official record only one "immediate execution" of his own soldier, done by one of Korean captain. It was because one of their soldier tried to rape vietnamese civilian, and captain immediately shot his own soldier down by just trying it. That was the Korean army in Vietnam. And because of that they could score a lot.

Vietnamese, We Korean had fought each other and remained divided. So we know what the opposite side actually did to us. But look at your case. Finally North Vietnam took over the south Vietnam. And you had to be unified. Think about it. At the time, who killed Vietnamese and the civilians of yours are Vietnamese. South Vietnamese had to kill North, NVA and Vietcong killed thousands of South vietnamese civilian if they're not supportive to them.

And your country and your people had to be unified since it was overran. Do you think the head of North vietnam Government had taught you the massacre they did toward south vietnamese people? How could they unify the country if they revealed all the truth? South Vietnam Government wanted US army. It's not that Korean army initiated the war and slaghtered your people. It was war between North vs South Vietnamese, and you guys killed your people the most. That's historical fact. One of NVA and Vietcong's strategy was wearing a Korean soldier's uniform and kill the civilians around them so that people will not trust Korean soldiers in the first sight. Vietnam war was one of the most horrible war that man had occured.

Koreans are very emotional and so do I. But education should be done upon the fact. On the historical fact, not post-modernism biased leftist candy coating. I hope you guys to read it.

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Vietnam is a poor country, with people of SEA origin. There are lot of Vietnamese in Korea nowadays. We afraid that if too many of them arrive we will be the same as them after a few generations. No Korean wants this. Though we like to do business in Vietnam because the labor is cheap and its profitable for now. Only hope they would not move to South Korea, we don't need such immigrants. For now we will tell them stories about our connectivity and similarity until its benefitial to us.

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Here's what the average Korean knows about Vietnam.

The Vietnam War . South Korean troops were sent to fight for South Vietnam in exchange for US economic aid. Most Koreans know that some unwarranted massacres and rape were committed by Korean soldiers during the war. In the early 2000s, there was a lot of discussion about apologies and compensating victims for these incidents, but it seems to have died down in the 2010s.

Phở . It's commonly called 월남 국수 (Vietnamese noodles). It really became mainstream during the past 10 years. Gỏi cuốn is also quite popular and is known as 월남쌈 (Vietnamese spring rolls). Other Vietnamese dishes are not well known.

A relatively close and affordable holiday destination . Most Koreans have heard of Hanoi, Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), Da Nang, and Hạ Long Bay.

As you can see, the average Korean knows little about Vietnam. Few have meaningful encounters with Vietnamese people. In Korea, the stereotypical Vietnamese resident is one of the following:

Immigrant workers;

Brides for farmers in rural areas;

University students studying in Korea.

The average Korean is either indifferent or condescending towards Vietnam and Vietnamese people. In short, it's the kind of arrogance and false sense of superiority typically found in wealthier countries. The average Korean is ignorant of and uninterested in Korean-Vietnamese relations.

As a result, the average Korean does not know how important Vietnam is to the Korean economy . The average Korean has no idea that Korea exports more stuff to Vietnam than to Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Australia (you can easily look this up on Google). It goes without saying that all the famous Korean companies (ehhem Samsung, Hyundai, CGV) have significant investments in Vietnam. Korea and Vietnam have robust economic relations, which necessarily implies that relations on a political level also remain cordial, at the very least. If Koreans knew how important the Vietnamese market was for their country, they wouldn't be nearly as patronizing of Vietnam (perhaps I am too naive).

In short, Korea-Vietnam relations are much more significant than one would imagine, just not on the micro level. The lack of human exchange and information is periodically reflected by provocative media circulating negative (and often incorrect) stories about one another. It truly is a pity.

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We, Koreans, were genuinely hoping we could become a friend with Vietnam.

But, unfortunately, we were too naive to hope we, Koreans, could be a friend with Vietnam. We were seriously wrong.

I have two Vietnamese brothers living in Vietnam and USA, now. My Vietnamese brothers call my mother " mom", and I call my Vietnamese brother's mother " mom". We are not blood related but our friendship is thicker than blood.( I don't need to be diplomatic or hostile in this answer).

That being said, many Koreans were sadly and deeply hurt in our heart by several series of the things that happened between South Korea and Vietnam during the pandemic this year.

While both sides were arguing on the issue of the original sinner by fingerpointing at each other "who did the wrong doing first" , the process of the whole thing got so ugly and uglier . As a result, many hearts of South Koreans totally left Vietnam and Vietnamese.( I am sure that many hearts of Vietnamese left South Korea, too).

Now, the question from OP is , what do we, Koreans, think about Vietnam, nowadays? We think of Vietnam and Vietnamese just the same as What Vietnamese think of South Korea and South Koreans. Vietnam and Vietnamese are "No more and No less than Business and Profit" to South Koreans , nowadays. I am certain that we , Korea and Koreans, are viewed in the same manner to Vietnamese . An easier way of saying this would be “ We want only money from Vietnam and Vietnamese just as the same as Vietnamese only want money from South Koreans.”

Again, we, Koreans, were genuinely hoping to become a friend with Vietnam. It is regrettable that it will never happen in the foreseeable future, or, perhaps never in my lifetime .

(By the way, I am a very ordinary Korean living in Seoul).

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Vietnam is a well-known country to Koreans. Many Koreans have traveled to Vietnam, and understand relatively accurate information about Vietnam.

I would like to introduce below what do average Koreans think about Vietnam.

1. Park Hang-seo Magic

Recently, most Korean's first interesting one about Vietnam is the success of Park Hang-seo who is the head coach of the Vietnam national football team. Most Koreans support him and Vietnam Soccer team.


2. Most Favorite Destination

Vietnam is one of the most preferred tourist destinations for Koreans.

About 4.3 million Koreans had toured to Vietnam in 2019. If it were not Covid-19 pandemic, it would not be strange to expect more than 8 million Koreans to visit Vietnam every year within a few years.

Before pandemic, about 28 millions Korean go abroad a year. This says all Korean go abroad at least once every 2 years. It’s no doubt more Koreans go abroad in the future.


3. Rapidly growing economy

All Koreans are amazed by Vietnam's rapid economic development. Most Koreans expect Vietnam will achieve sustainable high rate economic growth in the future.


4. Cultural homogeneity with Korea

Koreans who have traveled to Vietnam are very surprised that the traditional culture of Vietnam is very similar to that of Korea, especially the more for middle-aged or elderly Koreans.


5. Workers and Brides from Vietnam

Recently, cooperation between Korea and Vietnam has been increasing.

In the last 10 years, Korea has been the most invested country to Vietnam. The number of Vietnamese living in Korea is increasing, and more than 6,000 Koreans marry Vietnamese every year.

Most of Vietnamese in Korea are smart and diligent. They maintain friendly relationships with their Korean neighbors or co-workers.

In 2020, more than 230,000 Vietnamese staying in South Korea.


6. Vietnamese cuisine

Vietnamese cuisine is very familiar to Koreans.

Traditional Vietnamese food made with a lot of vegetables, strong seasonings and numerous cooking methods is similar to Korean food.

There are more and more traditional Vietnamese restaurants are on business in Korea.


7. Respect to patriotism of Vietnamese

Both Korea and Vietnam are countries that have experienced colonial rule and severe war.

Most Koreans are well aware of how much effort need to overcome these difficulties. We Korean also know that it is not easy and requires a lot of sacrifice. So many Koreans admire the patriotism of Vietnamese.

During my trip to Vung Tau in March 2019, I visited the Memorial Hall of Vo thi Sau at small town Dat Do near Vung Tau. She was a young patriotic girl who was arrested and executed for fighting French invader.

Some Koreans call Vo Thi Sau as the Vietnamese Ryu Gwan-Soon who was also young Korean girl student arrested and executed by invader Imperial Japan in 1920. She was a leader of the peaceful demonstration for independence of Korea at her home town in April 1919. In jail, she also was a leader to protest against the invader Japan with endless singing and shouting hurray.

Japanese invaders severely tortured her and destroyed and scattered her dead after executing. So nobody can not find her real tomb in Korea. Nevertheless, at the heart of every Korean, she will remains as a Korea's great patriot for ever.

If you are a Korean who knows about Vo thi Sau's patriotic behaviors, you can't help but respect her.



8. Korean’s friendly heart to foreigners

Most Koreans do not discriminate against foreigners in Korea including Vietnamese. Most Koreans treat them with the heart of friendly and regards them the same as their family.

Korean law prohibits discrimination against foreign workers. For example, the minimum wage in Korea is about $7.5 per hour, which is the same for foreigners and Koreans.

Korea is a multicultural society where more than 5% of the population is foreigners. Since long ago, the Korean government has been promoting education and policies for a multi-cultural society.

For example, 10 years ago, when I was an elementary school teacher, I taught my 10-year-old children with activities to understand the foreigners in Korea.


All local governments provide comprehensive services to support the stable settlement and happy life in Korea as a married immigrants.


9. Enlarging trade with Vietnam

The expansion of trade between Korea and Vietnam is remarkable. The volume of trade in 2020 is estimated more than $70 billion. There is no doubt that Vietnam is a very important trading partner for Korea.

Most Koreans are well aware that the trade balance with Vietnam is unbalanced, so Koreans invest in Vietnam without sparing money. In this context, you can understand rapid Increasing Korean traveler to Vietnam.

Vietnam is 14th large scale trader in the world with more than $500 billion total amount. Most Koreans expect enlarging trade with Vietnam.


10. America-Vietnam War

Most Koreans are well aware of the tragic the America-Vietnam war. We are aware of the fact that Korean troops were dispatched to Vietnam as an alliance of the USA, and also aware about the civilian massacre that was committed by the some Korean soldiers. In history class in all Korea schools, teachers say the historical facts about it.

Although there are no official historical issues between South Korea and Vietnam, many Koreans believe that a legitimate investigation and compensation should be followed. Many Koreans have uncomfortable feelings that Korean troops joined America-Vietnam war.


Some Koreans regularly visit the Vietnamese villages to share sufferings of victims and their families.


11. Safety in Vietnam

Most Koreans think Vietnam is politically stable and a very safe country to travel. The low crime rate and good impression of friendly Vietnamese are the biggest attraction of Vietnam to Koreans.

This is why many Koreans visit Vietnam so often.

12. Tiny discrimination toward Koreans

Most Koreans are well aware that Vietnam's influential political leaders are more familiar with Japan. Sometimes, Vietnamese officials make minor discrimination toward Koreans, and many Koreans doubt that it is due to the influence of these politicians.

For example, long delays in schedules for flights to Korea at airports in Vietnam are more common than flights to other countries. I could not aware of this little discrimination at first, but after visiting Vietnam several times, I found out that this was deliberate.

For another example, when I was visiting Vietnam in November 2019, I heard that the Korean International Driver's License is no longer valid in Vietnam. It's not reasonable for most Koreans.


We all Koreans know that international relations are reciprocal and must be respected the sovereignty of the Vietnamese government, but many Koreans are concerned that small discrimination toward Koreans can interfere with friendly relations between the two countries.

13. Uncertainty about investment in Vietnam

Many Koreans try to find something to invest in. The average middle-class Korean would consider investing in real estate or funding in Vietnam or other countries in Southeast Asia.

However, not many Koreans do this. This is because of the uncertainty of Vietnam's investment environment. A Korean, who bought an apartment in Vietnam a year ago, is concerning that he still has not received a registration document proving his ownership.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, many Koreans believe that the Communist Party-dominated government could change their policies at any time without notice.

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As a Korean myself, The first thing that comes to my mind is Vietnamese food. Korean people love Pho, Bun Cha and other Vietnamese dishes. I myself go to a Vietnamese restaurant in Seoul a couple of times a week. I haven’t been to Vietnam. But I’d like to visit Vietnam someday in the near future and try the real Vietnamese food there. :)

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