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What is the meaning of "to vent your spleen" idiom?

6 Answers

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Idiom Conjugations:

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Gerund Form of the Idiom:

Venting your spleen can be a great way to express and thereby eliminate angry feelings .
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Idiom Usage:

This idiom makes reference to a volcano which vents hot gases and lava after which the volcano is quiet again.
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Idiom Scenario 2:

The Misconception: Expressing and releasing your anger is an effective way to reduce stress and prevent lashing out at friends and family.
The Truth: Expressing and releasing anger increases aggressive behavior over time.
What is your opinion about venting your spleen?
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Idiom Scenario 1:

I am so angry.  Traffic this morning was so crazy.  Two other drivers cut in front of me and almost caused accidents.  Two other drivers yelled at me and made rude gestures with their hands.  I need to find some way to release this anger I have inside.  Perhaps if I talk to a sympathetic friend, my friend will allow me to...
vent my spleen.

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Idiom Definition:

"to vent your spleen"
to express your angry feelings
ballistic, bark, berserk, blow, composure, crack, erupt, flare, flash, freak, fume, haywire, lash, nuts, rail, rant, retort, scream, snarl, snap, storm, temper, vent, yell
This man is venting his spleen on the computer. - - - - ->  a bald man in shirt and tie is swinging an axe into his computer monitor.

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